T01782 286666

Areas of Practice
Public Access
Grenville Jay
MA Cantab
Called 1975
Inner Temple
e-mail: grenville.jay@regentchambers.co.uk
Family work
Like many family barristers, Grenville Jay accepts instructions and has extensive experience of all types of family litigation, no case being considered too complicated or too difficult.
For the non-lawyer here is a list of the sort of stuff in ordinary English:
In relation to the child: resolving with whom the son or daughter is to live, contact with parents / grandparents / siblings, permission to take abroad, recovering children from abroad, decisions on big issues such as schooling, health and religion, protection through controls on the behaviour of adults, child support / income for the child / capital provision.
In relation to divorce and civil partnerships: the dividing up of money and property and income, investigating the finances, getting proper disclosure, emergency freezing of assets, splitting pensions, dealing with company assets.
Claims by ex-cohabitees to a share in the home.
Financial support from those who have passed away.
Grenville Jay leaves mediation to others and although willing to advise on the legal implications of embarking on a relationship normally only gets involved if mediation has not succeeded.
He is a member of the Family Law Bar Association and Child Concern and occasionally contributes articles to Family Law Magazine in collaboration with Professor Chris Barton.
His work includes working for clients from abroad et il peut communiquer assez bien en Francais.
Grenville Jay qualified for public access work a number of years ago and in a suitable case can be approached without a solicitor being involved.
He prefers to work from a slate computer, welcomes instructions by email with pdf attachments (mailbox limit 30mb per email) and when presented with lever arches puts them through the scanner.
Conferencing by Skype is a possibility.